Worksmart Help

Options menu

Company information

Your company information allows you to store your office addresses and upload your company logo for including on forms.

To amend your Company details click Options then Company information.

You will see any addresses linked to your account, along with your current logo, if you have uploaded one (see below).

Adding a new address

When on the Company information page you can add another office address by clicking the Add another address button, filling in the details, and clicking Save.

Adding a company logo

If you haven't already added a logo, simply click Click here to add your company logo. If you want to change your existing logo, just click the logo itself.

Click Choose file and browse your computer to find the image file you want to use. The image can be either GIF or JPG and must be 350px width x 130px height. Larger images will be shrunk to fit. Third-party guides on re-sizing images are available for Windows and Mac. Note that RICS is unable to assist with re-sizing images.

Click Remove to remove an existing logo.

Amending addresses

Click Edit under the address you want to change, change whichever details you need to, and click Save. There can only be one primary address, that is used on your forms by default, but other addresses can still be added.


isurv WorkSmart allows you to work collaboratively with colleagues.

For others to work with you on WorkSmart you must first invite them to register:

  • Click Options then People.
  • You will see a page listing all the people currently linked to your account.
  • Click Invite people.
  • Enter the email addresses of people you want to invite, separated by commas.
  • Click Send invitations.
  • They will receive an email asking them to accept your invitation.
  • Until they accept they will appear on the list as Invited.
  • If you wish to invite a colleague to join your account but they already have their own account, then please contact customer services.

Please be aware that when inviting an colleague to your account, they will then have equal use of that account, including the ability to add or remove users, add phrases and spend credits on forms.

To edit an existing contact, click Edit next to their name, update the details and click Update.

To remove a contact from your address book click Remove next to their name.

You may sort your contacts by surname, first name, email or company by using the drop down list.


You can add digital signatures for yourself and other users to be used in reports.

First click Edit next to the user you wish to add/change a signature for and click Choose file. Then browse your computer to find the image file you want to use. The image can be either GIF or JPG and must be 320px wide x 60px high. Larger images will be shrunk to fit. Then click Save.

Click Remove to remove an existing signature.

Credits and purchases

Many isurv WorkSmart forms require credits to publish. This page allows you to purchase credits and check your previous purchases. For more details seen the section on Credits.


Some isurv WorkSmart forms require an RICS copyright license before you can publish them. For more information see credits and licenses.

System activity

This page allows you to track your past actions or those of other users on the account. It lists the date an action occurred, what the action was, what it affected and who carried out that action.

The system tracks all form, folder and phrase related activities such as creation and  deletion.



A phrase is a word or a block of text that you regularly use. You may have many phrases that you wish to use multiple times in a form, or across multiple forms. isurv WorkSmart features a Phrase book to save you time and effort in repeating these phrases. WorkSmart also offers acccess to a library of RICS sample phrases for you to use.

For more details on working with phrases, see Phrases.

Appended documents

isurv WorkSmart allows you to attach additional documents to forms, so that they can be sent to the customer along with the published form. It also offers a library of relevant RICS documents that can be attached to your forms.

You can manage your documents from the Appended documents menu.

To upload a new document

  • Click Options then Appended documents.
  • Click Choose file then browse to where your document is stored and select it. You can only add documents with pdf .txt .doc .docx .xls or .xlsx extensions.
  • Click Add to complete the upload.

To remove a document

  • Click Delete next to the document in the list.
  • Follow the on-screen prompt.
  • You cannnot remove RICS documents.

System preferences

The System preferences menu allows you set certain options for using isurv WorkSmart.

After logging in

You can choose the page that isurv WorkSmart loads after you log in. This can be either open the Form manager or the last form you were working on. Make your selection by clicking the relevent radio button then click Save.

System preference settings are individual for each user.

Report distribution email

Once a report is complete you can send it directly to a client using isurv WorkSmart.

This format email can be edited using the Report distribution email option in Options.

This page shows the text of the email that will be sent to your clients. Certain parts of the email are dynamic, that is, they change based on what you've entered when filling in the form. These specials bits of text are represented by a word inbetween double hash-marks, for example ##REPORTNAME##

The following bits of dynamic text are available:

##REPORTNAME## - Name of the report your are sending, e.g. "RICS HomeBuyer Report".

##CLIENTFIRSTNAME## - Your client's first name.

##CLIENTLASTNAME## - Your client's last name.

##PROPERTYADDRESS## - Address of the property.

##LINK## - Link to the report you are distributing. The text appears as "View Report".

##SURVEYORSNAME## - Full name of the surveyor named in the report.

##SURVEYORSQUALIFICATIONS## - Qualifications of the surveyor named in the report.

##SURVEYORSEMAIL## - Email address of the surveyor named in the report.

If you have a company logo uploaded to your account it will appear in the header of the email automatically. The form itself will be attached to the email.

Once you have tailored your email to suit your company tone you can Save it or
Send a preview to your own email address to see what it looks like.