Worksmart Help

Form manager

The Form manager

The form manager is your home page for isurv WorkSmart, from here you can manage all aspects of your forms: create, change, rename, delete, move, copy, search, and more all from one place.


Create a new form

There are two ways to create a new form.

1. Use the Create new form button.

  • Click Create new form.
  • Use the drop-down list to select the type of form you want to create.
  • Enter a name or reference for your form.
  • All WorkSmart forms must be placed in a virtual folder. You can either create a new folder now by entering a name for it, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list.
  • You will be shown information about the form, including the cost of producing it. If these are correct, click Create form.

2. Use the Add form to this folder button.

  • To automatically create the form in whichever folder you currently have open, click Add form to this folder.
  • Use the drop-down list to select the type of form you want to create.
  • Enter a name or reference for your form.
  • You will be shown information about the form, including the cost of producing it. If these are correct, click Create form.


Folders are a way to organise your forms by user, client, type, or however you wish. Each form you create must be placed in a folder, and each form can only be placed in one folder (although duplicate, independent copies of a form may be created in different folders). You can move between folders in the Form manager by clicking on the named folders in the left-hand list. You can also choose to order this list by name or when they were last updated.

Creating a new folder

  • From the Form manager click Create new folder.
  • Enter a unique name for your new folder and click save.
  • Alternatively a new folder can be created when creating a new form.

Removing folders

  • Click on the folder in the left-hand list.
  • Click the folder name at the top of the screen.
  • Click Archive to move the folder to the archive. The folder will disappear from the list. The contents will remain available when you browse the archive, and the folder can be unarchived if you need those forms again in the future.
  • Alternatively, click Delete to permanently remove the folder and all its contents. This action is non-reversable, and any forms in the folder will be permanently lost.

Moving or copying forms to different folders

  • From the Form manager, click on the folder containing the form you want to move or copy. The form can be 'picked up' by clicking on the draggable hotspot to the left of the checkbox. It can then be dropped in to the required destination folder. You can then choose to either make a copy of the form in the new folder, or simply move it, deleting it from the original folder entirely.

Quick actions

The Form manager allows you to quickly publish, revert to draft or delete one or more forms.

  • Tick the checkbox next to each form you wish to perform the action on. The checkbox next to the Actions drop-down menu allows you to quickly tick or untick all visible forms.
  • Choose the action you wish to perform from the drop down Actions menu.

Used in conjunction with the search box, this allows you to quickly perform the same action on a specific set of forms.

Form locking

A form automatically becomes locked when you start working on it. A locked form indicates to other users that the form is being worked on. This is indicated by a locked padlock icon next to the form.

Unlocking a form indicates to other users that you are finished working on a form and that is availble for their use.

By clicking the padlock icon next to the form, you can switch a form between locked and unlocked modes.


You can search though all your folders for a particular form or group of forms by using the Search box.

You can enter:

  • A type of form, which will return all forms of that type.
  • A form reference, or partial reference, which will return all forms with a matching reference.

Then just click the magnifying glass icon to retrieve your search results.

Downloading and tracking forms

You can download, track and distribute your published reports from the form manager. 

Click on the link to the form (in the the 'Form type' column) you want to download or distribute. You can only do this for forms with 'Published' status that are not locked. 

The Downloading and distribution screen will allow you to:

Download the form - click the PDF icon or form title

Track delivery and re-send the e-mail or remove recipients - click the corresponding buttons under Distribution tracking

Distribute forms - select the Company and or RICS documents you wish to append to the form, then enter the details of your recipient and click Distribute forms (you can add more than one recipient by clicking Add another recipient)

Click Return to form manager to go back to the form manager screen.


Forms can have one of two statuses:

  • draft; or
  • published.

While you are working on a form, or have completed but not yet published it, it will be listed as a draft. Once a form has been published, it will be listed as published.

A form can be reverted from published back to draft by clicking the tick-box next to it and choosing Revert to draft from the drop-down Actions menu. However if you then re-published that form you will be charged for it again.